Forward Thinking has extensive experience in the following areas:
Trusted Secure Systems
- Trusted Kernels and Real-Time Operating Systems - Co-inventors of the NSA certified Trusted Kernel within the AIM chip.
- Primary Systems Engineers and Trusted Software for 2 of the 3 NSA certified Crypto Processors.
- Trusted Real-Time Embedded Systems
- NSA (Cryptographic Systems, INFOSEC Modules, C4I, ...)
- Commercial (Smartcard, Transaction Servers, ...)
Key Processing and Management Techniques
- Type-1 Cryptography (ACCORDION, JOSEKI, FIREFLY, ...)
- Standards (EKMS 308, EKMS 217, EKMS 608, NSA 87-27, NSA 90-02A, ...)
- Commercial Cryptography (AES, DES, Triple DES, DSS, SHA, RSA, MD-5, ...)
Communication Protocols
- DS-101, DS-102, 802.1 (Ethernet), USB, ...
Development Process (SEI CMM Level 3, J-STD-016-1995)
- Architecture (System, Software, Hardware)
- Project Management
- Rapid Application Development
- System Modeling
- Advanced, Repeatable Testing Techniques (Simplified Regression Testing)
- Object Oriented Development
- Languages
- C, C++, Assembly Code, Ada, Java, FORTRAN, Perl, ...
- Microsoft (VC++, Visual Basic, IIS, MFC, COM/DCOM, .NET, C#, SQL Server, Windows 2000/XP, ...)